Explore the Wildlife of Mashpi

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● 3 minutes read
Explore the wildlife of Mashpi

Explore the wildlife of Mashpi and immerse yourself in one of the most captivating aspects of its ecosystem: the remarkable diversity of mammals. Here, you have a unique opportunity to observe these elusive and fascinating animals in their natural habitat. Whether it’s watching agile primates swinging through the branches or spotting the tracks of a majestic feline, Mashpi offers an unparalleled experience for those looking to connect with the region’s extraordinary wildlife.

Explore the Wildlife of Mashpi
Explore the Wildlife of Mashpi

Explore the Wildlife of Mashpi: Emblematic Mammals of the Region

Nine-banded Armadillo

The Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) is a mammal of the family Dasypodidae, related to anteaters and sloths.

It moves quickly despite its short legs. This mammal has nine-banded armor, a small sheet with hard rings that cover its head and back. Because it lacks fur, it cannot withstand low temperatures and prefers warm temperatures. It usually closes to sleep or protects itself from danger. It measures approximately 50-60 cm and weighs between 4 and 8 kg.

It can be found in various dry area habitats, including caves, hollows, grasslands, and tropical forests. They feed mainly on tuberous roots, earthworms, snails, small amphibians, and insects but also prefer termites and ants.

Video Thumbnail: Armadillo de cola desnuda - Mashpi
Armadillo de cola desnuda – Mashpi Lodge

Capuchin Monkey

The Ecuadorian capuchin (Cebus aequatorialis), a member of the Cebidae family, is found in the Coastal Deciduous Forest and Chocó Tropical Rainforest.

The species has a light brown coat on the back and a creamy white coat on the belly and around the face. It has an average weight of 3.4 kg and an average length of 35.8 to 46 cm.

It is an omnivorous species that feeds on various invertebrates and small vertebrates, fruits, and bird eggs.

Spider Monkey at Mashpi Lodge
Spider Monkey at Mashpi Lodge


The Tayra (Eira barbara) is a carnivorous mammal of the Mustelidae family that lives in the Tropical Rainforests of the Chocó, the Coastal Deciduous Forest, and the Amazon Tropical Rainforest. These mammals weigh 5 to 7 kg and have a body length of 98 cm to 1.20 meters (with a tail of 25 to 45 cm).

They have long, slender, and strong legs. The body is slim and muscular, and its back is slightly humpbacked. The ears are small and rounded, and the color of the head is the same. The hair is soft, short, and of a uniform sepia, black, or chestnut shade.

The Tayra feeds on carrion, insects, small vertebrates, and honey.

Mashpi Lodge Tayra
Mashpi Lodge Tayra


The Cuchucho (Nasuella olivacea) is a carnivorous mammal of the Procyonidae family. It exists in tropical and subtropical rainforests throughout the Amazon and the eastern foothills of the Andes Mountains.

Its hair has an olive to reddish hue. The tail has a yellowish-grayish hue with gray rings and usually swings upward as they walk. The head is slender and has a long snout that moves. Forty small teeth with deep crowns and sharp ridges occupy the snout. It has a length of 36 to 39 cm and a tail of 20 to 24 cm. The diet of this species includes eggs, invertebrates, and small vertebrates.

Close-up of a Coati among lush greenery at Mashpi Lodge, showcasing the curious nature of local wildlife.
Coati’s Gaze


The agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) is a rodent species of the Dasyproctidae family. It’s a resident of the forests of the Costa Decidua, the Chocó Tropical Rainforest, and the Western Piedmont Forest.

All the fur is reddish brown, and the upper parts and the back are darker. This species can reach 42 to 62 cm long and weigh 2 to 3 kg.

They feed mainly on fruits and seeds but consume leaves, tubers, roots, small vertebrates, and crustaceans as part of their diet.

An Agouti foraging on the forest floor, a common sight in the biodiverse habitat of Mashpi Lodge.
Agouti Amidst the Leaves

Fantastic Diversity of Mammals

We invite you to embark on a journey into the heart of Mashpi and witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply seeking adventure, Mashpi promises an unforgettable experience filled with awe-inspiring encounters with some of Ecuador’s most iconic mammals.

Join us, and let the magic of Mashpi’s wildlife capture your imagination and leave you with memories to last a lifetime!

Tourists observing a yellow land iguana in its natural habitat at Finch Bay, Galapagos, included in Mashpi package tours.
Our Premier Ecuador Experience: The Golden Triangle
A Complete Experience that brings you the very best of Ecuador and The Galapagos Islands. With a stint in the Heart of Quito, The Mashpi Reserve, and a stay at The Galapagos Islands most lauded Hotel, Finch Bay.


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